연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Virtual Lightning Talk Session
발표장 온라인
논문코드 VLT-47
발표일 --2023
발표시간 2024-04-03~04-07
논문제목 Enhancing Solar Cell Performance with Metal Oxide Particle/polyethylenimine Multilayer Coatings: Leveraging Low Penetrability and Light Trapping Effects
발표자 최수영
발표자 소속 부산대학교 화학소재학과 이택호 교수님
저자 최수영, 이택호1,†
소속 부산대학교 화학소재학과 이택호 교수님; 1부산대학교 화학소재학과
논문초록 Solar energy presents a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels, prompting ongoing advancements in solar cell technology. This study investigates the potential of metal oxide particles/polyethylenimine multilayer coatings on glass to improve solar cell stability and efficiency. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is known for its low penetrability and strong adhesion, making it an ideal candidate for barrier applications. Combined with metal oxide particles, which exhibit excellent light-trapping properties, these coatings aim to enhance solar cell performance under various environmental conditions. Initial findings suggest significant improvements in stability and efficiency, highlighting the potential of metal oxide particles/ PEI coatings to advance solar cell technology.